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Tester working for veterans


My wife and I recently returned from our first trip to Washington, D.C. We toured the usual places and were impressed with the monuments and museums as well as the Capitol and White House, but the highlight of my trip was sitting in the Senate Gallery watching Sen. Jon Tester present his Senate amendment, VOW to Hire Heroes, House Bill 674, to the Senate on Nov. 10.

This bill is at least 50 years overdue. When I left the service in 1962, I was in a Catch 22 situation where I was unable to put my excellent military education and experience toward an equivalent civilian job. Sen. Tester's effort to level the job field for returning veterans is commendable.

Thank you, Sen. Jon Tester for all that you do for Montanans, and thank you for your help to veterans everywhere.

John L. Musgrove



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