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Storm causes outages in Havre, Big Sandy, Box Elder

Thursday night’s storm caused power outages along the Hi-Line.

The sudden storm struck the area at about 10 p.m., and heavy winds caused damage to electrical systems in Havre, Box Elder and Big Sandy said NorthWestern Energy spokesman Butch Larcombe.

The Havre problems were isolated, he said. About 100 customers were out of power for a while, but it was quickly restored. Twelve Havre customers were still without power this morning, he said.

Two power poles between Havre and Box Elder caused problems in the area, he said.

In all, 224 customers in Box Elder and 520 in Big Sandy were plunged into darkness. he said.

Crews worked throughout the night, he said, and power has been restored in the area.


Reader Comments(1)

justsaying2013 writes:

yea......way to go North West Energy........can still count on your muti-billion dollar company to continue to provide bad service in north central Montana......upgrade your equipment and power lines..instead of just you always charge enough for your service.....Hill County Electric Coop..never has a problem......

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