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New recycling trailer parked at Memorial Park

Havreites and neighbors now have the option of taking their recycling out at any time of the day.

Pacific Steel and Recycling and the city of Havre placed six recycling bins at the parking lot of Memorial Park Friday.

“We’re trying to get people in the habit of recycling,” Mayor Tim Solomon said.

The six recycling bins are mounted on one trailer that city crews will monitor and empty when it is full.

“I think people will have to get used to (recycling),” Solomon said. “Once this one gets going, we’ll be looking at putting more in Havre.”

The recycling trailer is available to people 24 hours a day and will accept plastics, aluminum and newspapers.

Solomon, who is campaigning for re-election facing Republican Bob Rice, said it does not have a bin for cardboard because Havre Day Activity already accepts cardboard recycling 24 hours a day.

Solomon said that before this recycling trailer was installed, people had to either take their recyclables to Pacific Steel and Recycling during their business hours or wait for Hi-Line Recycling’s monthly recycling drive at the corner of 5th Avenue and 1st Street, where people could take the recyclable material they have collected for the month.

“Hi-Line Recycling has been really progressive in educating people and this is part of the outcome of that,” Solomon said.

Pacific Steel purchased the first bin for the city and donated funds to the project.

“(Pacific Steel) donated so much money to help us buy a trailer,” Solomon said.

The recycling trailer is located at Memorial Park on 5th Avenue, across from Taco John’s.

Pacific Steel and Recycling is located at 1805 U.S. Highway 2 and is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 7 to 11 a.m. Saturdays.

For cardboard recycling, people can go to Havre Day Activity Center and Recycling at 235 1st St. W.


Reader Comments(5)

2smart4u writes:

If this had been Bob, this would have been met with great fanfare, complete with balloons and other circus stuff, including Bob's Super Duper Pat Himself On The Back. Because that's what clowns do.

moosemt writes:

There is also cardboard drop off by DQ. And Cans (aluminum) drop offs at IGA. Walmart takes plastic bags. Glass is a big one for me. We really need a glass drop off!!! PLEASE

SoItBegins writes:

What? It is an election year? He has finally done something so you guys leave poor Tim alone.

Joe writes:

I am glad to see there is again a convenient place to deposit items for recycling. The timing was convenient for Mayor Tim to take credit for this during his campaign for mayor but who really cares? We all know who really was the driving force behind this and at least this one thing got done during his 4-years in office - election hoopla or not.

Willy writes:

I remember 15+ years ago there was a recycling trailer at the Highland Park laundry mat. So this really is nothing new (except for the plastic). Funny how this is not placed during the election run and the HDN has to mention that in the article.

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