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Eastern Star grand matron to visit Havre Friday

Special to the Daily News

Bonnie Anderson of Helena, worthy grand matron of the Grand Chapter of Montana, Order of Eastern Star, will make her official visit Friday to Havre Chapter 30. She will be accompanied by Earl Nilsen of Cascade, along with a number of other dignitaries from throughout Montana.

The evening will begin with a potato bar dinner being prepared by Havre Chapter member David Sageser and Associate Patron Sam Clawson, to be served at 5:45 p.m. in the Dining Hall located on the fifth floor of the Masonic Temple Building, 305 3rd Ave. in Havre.

A free-will offering will be taken with the funds going to the worthy grand patron's special project to support our local "Safe Haven," the women and children's shelter. All members of the Order of Eastern Star are invited.

Worthy Matron Pegi Wenger will preside during the meeting which will begin promptly at 7 p.m.

Anderson and Nilsen will preside at their "Our Journey of Friendship" session next June 17-20 in Helena and will celebrate the 126th Anniversary of the Montana Grand Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star.

The Order of the Eastern Star was developed in the 1860s by Rob Morris, LLD, who was honored as the master builder of the Order of Eastern Star, the largest fraternal organization in the world to which both men and women may belong.

Men who are Masons and women with Masonic, International Order of Rainbow for Girls or Jobs Daughters affiliation are eligible to belong. The Order has more than 2 million members with projects involving millions of dollars that benefit many people. The members of the Order of Eastern Star are dedicated women and men who sincerely reflect their spiritual values.

Eastern Star is a social order comprised of persons with deep religious convictions and spiritual values, but it is not a religion. Its appeal rests in the true beauty of the refreshing and character-building lessons that are portrayed in its ritualistic work.

Locally, Havre Chapter has more than 60 members who have joined worldwide membership to raise millions of dollars to support the Heart Fund, cancer research fund, local youth groups and needy families, as well as the statewide ESTARL program which funds scholarships to those training for religious leadership, the Masonic Home in Helena which houses the elderly, and the Electa’s Cup fund which assists members in financial need. Eastern Star also support other members of the Masonic Family with their projects such as the Shriners Hospitals for Children, the Knights Templar Eye Foundations, the Lions Club eyeglasses and hearing aide projects and the Scottish Rite Language Clinics, along with the Chapel at the International Peace Garden on the border between North Dakota and Manitoba, Canada, which was donated by and still maintained by the Order of Eastern Star.

Information to become a member of Eastern Star may be obtained by calling Pegi Wenger at 265-3221, Sam Clawson at 390-7164, Pauline Petersen at 262-9341, Lesley Hanson at 262-7236, Sylvia Murray at 265-5686 or Elaine Rosman at 265-4864.


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