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Four things to do for Thanksgiving: Santa Run

People at the Havre Area Chamber of Commerce were looking at coming up with new ways of celebrating Christmas.

Chamber President Debbie Callahan, a runner herself, decided that it would be good to combine the Christmas spirit with the health craze.

So they came up with the idea of a Santa Run.

People will get dressed up in costumes, adults as Santa and youngsters as elves.

The temperature is supposed to be close to zero Saturday, at 4 p.m., when registration starts, so the elves should be dressed warmly.

For $10 people will get a chance to run or walk the one- mile path as Santas or elves in the freezing cold as family and friends cheer them on.

There will be a variety of prizes in different categories.

The money will support Chamber projects.

When people are finished with the run, they can stay at Town Square for the annual Community Tree Lighting ceremony.

Day: Saturday, Nov. 29

Time: Check-in starts at 4 p.m.

Run starts at 4:30 p.m.

Location: Check-in at Master Sports

Cost: $10 per Santa


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