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For the Record, June 24, 2015

Havre Police Department

The police station’s computers are down again and they are unable to send police logs until they are back online.

Hill County Sheriff’s Office

The sheriff’s office computers are connected to the city’s and are also down.

Havre Fire Department

Emergency medical personnel responded to two calls Tuesday.


Firefighters were called to the 900 Block of 1st Street North at 1:57 p.m. Tuesday to put out a fire that fully engulfed the engine of a passenger truck and after investigation, it is thought it was caused by a fuel line leak.


Firefighters were called to the 100 Block of 1st Street West at 4:14 a.m. today to address arcing power lines. NorthWestern Energy was already on scene taking care of the situation.


Firefighters were called to the 10 Block of 3rd Street West at 7:14 a.m. today to address burnt toast at Eagles Manor.


A boy was born to Liberty Ironstar and Byron Yellowrobe Jr. of Harlem June 23, 2015.


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