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Library News and Views: 'A Blue Moon in China'

By Rachel Rawn

Havre Hill County Library

On Thursday, July 9, at 7 p.m., Elizabeth Pilar will be discussing her memoir “A Blue Moon in China” at the Havre-Hill County Library. Her talk is free and open to the public. Copies of “A Blue Moon in China” will be available to purchase. Light refreshments will be provided by the Friends of the Havre-Hill County Library.

In 1988 Elizabeth Pilar was 21 years old, and traveling by herself in China. She didn’t speak a word of Chinese. She had $400 in travelers’ checks and her passport. All of her belongings fit in a small backpack. This was a world before cellphones and before the World Wide Web. Elizabeth was on a quest to find herself.

In her memoir, “A Blue Moon in China,” we travel with Elizabeth from Detroit, to China, and back again as she recovers from heartbreak, meets and travels with new people and learns about herself.

“Once I cross the border into China, I step under the radar and venture off the beaten path. Over the course of two months I will travel thousands of miles through an enchanting land. The story comes directly from the journal I kept while there. The people are real people. The adventure happened as recorded.”

A copy of “A Blue Moon in China” is available to be checked out at the Havre-Hill County Library.

Join us as we travel with Elizabeth through 1988 China, meet the people she met, and go on a journey of self-discovery.  


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