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Out Our Way: The Gospel according to Goliath: Rode hard and put away wet

One Sabbath day, Jesus was walking through the corn fields. Being hungry, his disciples began to pick some of the corn as they passed. The Pharisees who saw this began to cry out that it was against the Law of Israel to "harvest corn" on the Sabbath. Jesus turned to them and said, "Haven't you read in the Scriptures of how David, when he and his men were starving in the days of Abithar, the High Priest. They went into the dwelling of God and ate of the holy bread that only the Priests were allowed to eat? Don't you understand that God made the Sabbath for man and not the other way around. Thus the Son of man is lord of the Sabbath."

- Mark 2:23-28


Out our way, we talk about being rode hard and put away wet. Most of the ranchers and farmers I know consider this a major no-no. A cowboy who rides his horse into a sweat and then doesn't  bother to even take off the saddle at night, let alone curry his pony dry, is a fool - and a disgrace who ought to be horsewhipped! To those of us who work with horses such behavior is downright criminal not to mention incredibly stupid.

Now, as horses go, Goliath was not as expensive as a thoroughbred or purebred Arabian. But "Old Doc" was my horse - my trail buddy - and my partner when it came to working cattle. I needed him to push pairs, chase strays, and even to just ride fence. He may not have been the most expensive horse in the world but, believe me, I couldn't afford to replace him ... and so I could not afford to abuse and lose him through being stupid, lazy and foolish. 

So, after I had ridden Goliath into a lather, it was just common sense to take off his saddle, walk him around to cool him off, and then take out the brush and curry comb to wipe him down and dry him off. For who is so stupid to not realize that abusing your horse will not only harm the animal but also eventually render him useless? 

Taking care of your cow pony may not be a moral issue - although I don't know of a rancher or farmer who would not be enraged and furious to see a horse so mistreated - but just on the level of common sense, who would be so stupid to mistreat your horse, ruin him, and waste your investment. Out our way, most folks tend to despise those who mistreat and abuse their live stock as fools and morons.

Yet, strangely, people who would never so mistreat a horse in such manner often have no qualms about doing it to themselves. In the ancient world, many people worked from sun up to sun down seven days a week and many died young because they simply wore out. They were rode hard and put away wet ... day after day.

Interestingly, most cars come with an owner's manual in which we accept the manufacturer's warning that not changes the oil, rotating the tires, etc., will cause the vehicle break down prematurely.

The 10 Commandments are God's Owner's Manual. As the Creator he knows what maintenance is needed for maximum usage. Hence the Sabbath commandment. We need time off - we need time to cool down - to graze - to rest. Human beings, no less than horses, cannot be rode hard and put away wet day after day without major consequences.

The Pharisees saw it only a as a rule and therefore missed the point. God gave us the Sabbath for our benefit - not for His! 

Had they understood this, they would have seen that feeding the hungry on the Sabbath is no sin - refreshing the body and the spirit that nurtures and strengthens it is not a bad thing.

I don't change the oil every 3,000 miles because GM demands it. I change the oil because it will keep my car on the road for many more thousands of miles. I keep the Sabbath and truly try to take advantage of a day of rest - not just because God tells me to - but because I know, as does He, that I need the time off. 

Only a fool abuses his or her body and soul by constantly riding it hard and putting it away wet. Of all people, we Westerners ought to understand that!

  (The Rev. John Bruington, Scout and Goliath are featured each week at www. havrepres,org, along with the adventures of Pee Dee and Scooter of Bruin Town. People can download regular sermons as well.)


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