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Letter to the Editor: Montana's future in good hands with Melissa Romano


I have been a high school math teacher in Butte for the last eight years. I am also a trustee for the Southwestern Montana Central Labor Council, a candidate for House District 74, and the National Education Association director for Montana. Out of all of these positions, the most important is that of teacher. My colleagues and I teach Montana’s future.

That’s why I care so much about who is elected Superintendent of Public Instruction. That’s why I strongly support Melissa Romano. Nothing matters more than our children’s education. The kids in today’s classrooms will be in charge of our communities in the future. It matters who is elected to lead Montana’s schools.

As an award-winning teacher, Melissa Romano understands from experience what tools we need to make the biggest impact on our students’ futures. She knows we need excellent teacher training, mentoring, support, modern tools and textbooks, and class sizes that allow us to connect one-on-one with students.

I’m proud that Montana has a history of excellent superintendents like Nancy Keenan, Linda McCulloch and Denise Juneau. Melissa Romano will continue that history of excellent leadership of Montana’s public schools.

Please join me in supporting her election.

Amanda Curtis



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