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Time to get a 2017 bait fish seining license

Press release

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks would like to remind bait collectors that a 2017 Commercial Bait Fish Seining License is required for persons 15 years of age and older to seine for and transport bait fish for commercial purposes in Montana, or for any person who seines for and has in his or her possession more than 24 dozen nongame bait fish.

The application is available at any FWP office, and an application fee of $10 is required. The application materials also include regulations, the types and sizes of nets or traps that may be used, and also a list of approved seining waters.

Commercial bait collection is not permitted in waters infested with Eurasian watermilfoil. In Region 6 this includes Fort Peck Reservoir, Fort Peck Dredge Cuts and the Missouri River from Fort Peck Dam to the mouth of the Milk River.

Also, with the recent discovery of dreissenid mussels — zebra/quagga mussels — in Tiber Reservoir, seiners are asked to transport their fish away from collection sites in well water.  People cannot use site water to transport fish.

Bait seiners need to be aware that only the following 10 fish species can be collected and used as live bait: Flathead Chub, Fathead minnow, Western Silvery Minnow, Plains Minnow, Emerald Shiner, Longnose Dace, Lake Chub, Creek Chub, Longnose and White Sucker.

People with questions can contact their local FWP office.


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