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Bullhook Community Health Center lists impacts on the community


In 2016, Montana’s medical community experienced tremendous change and improved access to health care for many of our neighbors. With the lowest uninsured rate in the history of Montana, 93 percent of Montanans now have coverage for health care services that can improve their health and save their lives.

Bullhook Community Health Center — your locally owned and managed community health center — is a leading comprehensive primary care provider in Havre and Hill County and the Hi-Line area. Providing such services as primary medical care, integrated behavioral health (mental health and addiction counseling), dental care, pharmacy care, care coordination and children’s forensic interviews, Bullhook Community Health Center wants to share with the community some of the important data we collected in 2016. This data is intended to help everyone understand the role we play in Montana and our commitment to provide meaningful and quality healthcare to our patients.

Clinic site: Havre

Number of employees - 70

Number of unduplicated patients

Number of men - 2,442

Number of women - 2,503

Number of children (0-18) - 1,369

Number of veterans - 212

Number of patient visits

Number of medical visits - 4,809

Number of dental visits - 5,378

Number of behavioral health visits - 3,983

1,267 patients received a screening for depression and have a follow up plan in place

1,042 children were screened for oral health care needs in Havre Public Schools during the month of December

Percent Medicaid patients – 43.8 percent

Percent Medicare patients – 11.2 percent

Percent uninsured patients – 18.7 percent

Percent patients below the 200 percent Federal Poverty Limit – 74.9 percent

As both an employer and a health care provider in Havre and the Hi-Line area, the staff and board of Bullhook Community Health Center are proud of the work we did in 2016 and look forward to continuing our good work in 2017. We hope our patients know how much we care about their health and well-being and we remain committed to responding to the needs of our community in the coming year.

Cindy Smith


Bullhook Community Health Center


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