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Hello, God. It's me, Mara.

Incredible world

You know, Lord, we live in an incredible world. Depending on where one lives, some folks get to view the majesty of mountain peaks, it takes our breath away. Looking out into space is humbling — to us with our small minds, it seems it could go on forever. We don’t even have enough words to describe all the beautiful, magnificent and awe-inspiring wonders of the universe. Just looking at the variety, the order, the symmetry and all the unexpectedness, it all testifies, that You, Lord, are the Genius behind it all.

Can we even imagine One with the power to say “Let there be light” and — whee! — Light exploded into being, rushing forth at the rate of who knows how fast — just guess, maybe about a million miles per second? While in school we learn some things about earth on its axis that prevents us from tumbling off into space. Do we learn where oxygen — the air we breathe — comes from?

Oh, Lord, all creation and the order of all testifies of a Grand Creator and we just say, Glory to God! Aren’t we so blessed to be here. … Your works of creation astound us with Your incredible sense of majesty, grace, wonder, awe and beauty. We pause a moment to thank You for making Your fingerprints so clearly seen in our incredible world.

Reading Romans 1:20, “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities — His eternal power and divine nature — have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.”

It’s well into autumn! So, while we’re raking leaves, maybe trimming dead branches off trees, washing windows one more time, and preparing for a colder season, we might pause to reflect on the awesomeness of where and how we live. Thank You, Lord, for the beauty You have created.

Love, Mara


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