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People's Rights responds to HDN stories

We are honored Havre Daily News thought the local People’s Rights group significant enough to deserve back-to-back stories. But we’re also discouraged. Much ink was dedicated to someone who doesn’t live in Montana, much less in Hill County, as well as flat-out unsupported speculation about the group’s underlying goals.

Travis McAdam said the Montana Human Rights Network “believes” the group is an attempt to create a network of militias. Mr. McAdam cited no evidence, not even a statement from the purported architect of the People’s Rights network, Ammon Bundy, in support. Mr. Bundy lives in another state and has no say in People’s Rights Montana District 1. The website for the local group makes clear the group’s autonomy.

The paper sent both of its reporters to a meeting of at least 50 people. They conducted individual interviews. Yet not one single person was asked about the militia network masterplan. Don’t get us wrong. Our Founding Fathers, in their wisdom, believed citizens should be armed and proficient with their firearms. We have no problem with the idea of militias, so long as they are law-abiding. But People’s Rights has met five times, and not once was the creation of a militia brought up. Aside from one or two people, no one in the group knows Ammon from Adam. We believe it safe to say no one is interested in taking over any refuges or fighting federal agents. (And by the way, Ammon Bundy was found innocent in a court of law and Cliven’s case thrown out. HDN failed to mention that.)

Here’s the scoop on People’s Rights. It is a group that aims to unite neighbors to defend, through education of the U.S. Constitution and practical mobilization, our God-given rights. Every meeting has in some way touched on the U.S. Constitution, the law of the land. And as far as “action” that’s been discussed, it’s been the type where we would stand with fellow neighbors who need support protecting their businesses, their livelihoods. Methods would be no different than how actual peaceful protestors are doing across the country.

Concerned community members of all walks of life support the group. We are people worried about the onerous, draconian measures that have impacted our businesses, our mental and spiritual health, and our childrens’ well-being and education. We’re everyday citizens who want our kids to grow up in a free country.

People’s Rights is not anti-government. The group is pro-small-government, as it was intended to be. We have been in touch with our local officers and have the utmost respect for them.

In America, state governments including Montana’s shuttered or grossly limited countless family-owned businesses, putting in peril our ability to provide and rendering record numbers of people unemployed. In the name of public safety — what a slippery slope — we have shuttered or severely limited houses of worship during a time when believers need each other most. In America, public servants demand you cover your face, just as citizens are forced to in totalitarian countries; just as women are forced to in Middle Eastern countries renowned for their stellar human rights track record. 

Our self-appointed rulers have filled the atmosphere with fear and then isolated us. Someone up top decided who or what was “essential.” If you didn’t make the list, you were sent home. We the people never got a say, just orders.

Free societies do not allow their governments to assume powers they were never given. Free people do not let their governments trample on the right to move freely, provide for their families or dictate what we put on our face.

We will no longer be silent.


People’s Rights Montana District 1, Havre


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