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Warrior spirit rises at Rocky Boy

It was an honor to attend the community meeting held at Stone Child College on March 11. An amazing movement is being created by the people from a broad sector of Hi-Line communities. The meeting demonstrated an excellent format by allowing individuals from the communities to take the lead. Proactive and positive change always comes when individuals and communities empower themselves through a passion to see change become a reality. The meeting displayed the following elements commonly found in successful groups which I have had the opportunity to observe.

1. The people at the meeting know who they are and what they stand for and stand against. They clearly demonstrated a willingness to stand up for their oppressed fellow tribal people and that cultural values can be a fortifiable force against drugs which have no place in any community for they are evil and destroy families and communities.

2. The group knows what their message is.  They have a clear message that drugs and those who deal drugs and profit from the misery of others will not be tolerated. Martin Luther King Jr. said "Our lives begin to end the moment we stay silent on things that matter.” The group has chosen not to be silent but to speak out its message loud and clear.

3. Representatives at the meeting are committed. It was right for them to say that more individuals need to take on the attitude of a warrior and that the warrior spirit needs to be reawakened within Native communities. Native communities will have to fight a battle in order to defeat drugs and the hold it has on the reservations. Victory will come at a cost in time, resources, and a willingness to face fear and even personal danger. However, commitment in the face of fear is key. Though the cost may be great what is at stake is even more valuable, saved and changed lives. These are precious and priceless.

4. Strong and committed allies are needed to stand by those willing to stand against evil. Some of the people said they were afraid of the retaliation they might face for standing up to do the right thing. No one should have to live in fear for doing the right thing because of the retaliation of evil persons. I was glad to see county commissioners, local Havre people, Fort Belknap and Browning people and other people from across the Hi-Line in attendance.

My experience at the meeting was both educational and inspiring. Congratulations to G. Bruce Meyers for organizing and facilitating the meeting and to Stone Child College, the Chippewa Cree Community Wellness Coalition, the Office of Public Health Nursing at the Rocky Boy Clinic and White Sky Hope Center for sponsoring the very worthwhile and historic event.

(Carlos Herndon lives in Havre.)


Reader Comments(1)

moneytalks writes:

Brings to mind what the Jews experienced. If we don't stand and give support to doing the right thing, no-one will be there when they come for us. Drugs and evil know no boundaries take a stand, and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !!!!!!!!!!