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Corrector presents malicious gossip, pictorial obscenities

Corrector presents malicious gossip, pictorial obscenities


In our wonderful country with its governmental and cultural values that encourage debate and vigorous exchanges of opinion, the truth and best policies result from compromises among varying opinions. The means of reaching best solutions is a result of the free exchange of opinions and agreement on shared results as solutions.

Opinions are our right as human beings and citizens, and exchange of opinions is an important means of arriving at sound solutions to political issues. But facts are quite different! Sound judgments are not served by distorted facts and outright lies.

Unfortunately, the website titled Havre Daily Corrector has deteriorated from a vigorous source of tea party opinion to a wholly unreliable site for lies, distortions based on no facts at all, and complete misrepresentations of events. A recent telling example portrays a city councilman with an obscene photograph and a story filled with distortion and lies.

The exchange of various outlooks and the compromise that results in the best solutions to problems is undermined by outright lies and complete distortions and misreporting of events. Unfortunately, the Corrector site has deteriorated from a legitimate source of political opinion in its early days to a site that purposely lies in its so-called reporting of events and accompanies its lies with obscene pictures.

Freedom of speech is not well-served by factual lies, obscene distortions and morally revolting name-calling by anonymous sources who mingle legitimate and meaningful disagreements with malicious gossip and ugly pictorial obscenities.

Such anonymous sites are motivated not by legitimate business motives as claimed on the site but by the same malicious rationale as other back-fence lies peddled as truth. Ignorant cowardice, malicious gossip and prejudice accurately characterize the motives of this blog.

Bill Thackeray, Havre


In our wonderful country with its governmental and cultural values that encourage debate and vigorous exchanges of opinion, the truth and best policies result from compromises among varying opinions. The means of reaching best solutions is a result of the free exchange of opinions and agreement on shared results as solutions.

Opinions are our right as human beings and citizens, and exchange of opinions is an important means of arriving at sound solutions to political issues. But facts are quite different! Sound judgments are not served by distorted facts and outright lies.

Unfortunately, the website titled Havre Daily Corrector has deteriorated from a vigorous source of tea party opinion to a wholly unreliable site for lies, distortions based on no facts at all, and complete misrepresentations of events. A recent telling example portrays a city councilman with an obscene photograph and a story filled with distortion and lies.

The exchange of various outlooks and the compromise that results in the best solutions to problems is undermined by outright lies and complete distortions and misreporting of events. Unfortunately, the Corrector site has deteriorated from a legitimate source of political opinion in its early days to a site that purposely lies in its so-called reporting of events and accompanies its lies with obscene pictures.

Freedom of speech is not well-served by factual lies, obscene distortions and morally revolting name-calling by anonymous sources who mingle legitimate and meaningful disagreements with malicious gossip and ugly pictorial obscenities.

Such anonymous sites are motivated not by legitimate business motives as claimed on the site but by the same malicious rationale as other back-fence lies peddled as truth. Ignorant cowardice, malicious gossip and prejudice accurately characterize the motives of this blog.

Bill Thackeray, Havre


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