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Rehberg praises veterans jobs bill

Rehberg praises veterans jobs bills


A good idea is a good idea, no matter where it comes from. And President Obama recently came up with a good idea when it comes to helping America's veterans find jobs.

In October, I helped the House pass the Veterans Opportunity to Work Act. Among other things, it created a re-training program to help 100,000 veterans get critical training for high-demand jobs. This was a good bill and I worked with both Democrats and Republicans in the House to get it passed.

Well, President Obama suggested a change to that bill that I think makes a lot of sense. It's a tax credit for businesses that hire veterans. The Senate is now acting on the legislation, and they've added the President's idea along with some good suggestions of their own.

It's no secret that, like most Montanans, I have serious concerns with a lot of President Obama's agenda. In fact, I'm the only member of Montana's congressional delegation who voted against the President's health care law, his failed stimulus package and his taxpayer-funded bailouts of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

But, also like most Montanans, I believe that no single person or political party has all the answers. And this is a great example of how working together we can actually make progress to improve the lives of Montanans.

Rep. Denny Rehberg




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