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Montana tea party has strayed from Republican ideals

Montana tea party has strayed from Republican ideals


Nullification? Paramilitary armies?

Has the tea party group in Helena gone completely crazy?

When Thomas Jefferson first discussed the principle with James Madison, both Jefferson and particularly Madison made clear that the nullification they saw as a right of states was in the form of an advisory resolution. A state legislature could call attention to laws they deemed unconstitutional to challenge, not to defy those laws.

It was John C. Calhoun, the infamous senator from South Carolina, who extended nullification of federal law. Likewise, he opposed state militias preventing the enforcement of federal law. The Montana tea partiers repudiate Lincoln and their own Republican roots.

Consider the role of paramilitary armies espoused by Rep. Wendy Warburton if other than preventing federal and state authorities from enforcing so-called "nullified laws"? Otherwise, such paramilitaries duplicate existing law enforcement or National Guard units.

These Montana tea partiers have strayed completely from Republican ideals. As a great politician theorist has stated: "Those ignorant of history are bound to repeat its mistakes."

Sincerely, Bill Thackeray Havre


Nullification? Paramilitary armies?

Has the tea party group in Helena gone completely crazy?

When Thomas Jefferson first discussed the principle with James Madison, both Jefferson and particularly Madison made clear that the nullification they saw as a right of states was in the form of an advisory resolution. A state legislature could call attention to laws they deemed unconstitutional to challenge, not to defy those laws.

It was John C. Calhoun, the infamous senator from South Carolina, who extended nullification of federal law. Likewise, he opposed state militias preventing the enforcement of federal law. The Montana tea partiers repudiate Lincoln and their own Republican roots.

Consider the role of paramilitary armies espoused by Rep. Wendy Warburton if other than preventing federal and state authorities from enforcing so-called "nullified laws"? Otherwise, such paramilitaries duplicate existing law enforcement or National Guard units.

These Montana tea partiers have strayed completely from Republican ideals. As a great politician theorist has stated: "Those ignorant of history are bound to repeat its mistakes."


Bill Thackeray, Havre


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