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Whereas, the historical nature of man's existence on this earth has been one of servitude to a monarch, despot or benevolent government; and
Whereas, collectivist thinking dictates that only by following an amalgamation of government agencies and programs can a vibrant future be attained via public private partnerships: and
Rick Dow
Whereas, the philosophy of Karl Marx which has given citizens of the United Soviet Socialists Republic, Cuba and North Korea (to name only a few) the individual freedoms that we as Americans have yet to experience; and
Whereas, the Occupy Wall Street movement correctly berated and protested against the evils of capitalism and promoted the fairness of socialism; and
Whereas, Nate Snyder, the special adviser to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano for Community Partnership and Strategic Engagement tweeted on May 1, 2012, "Happy May Day! #solidarity"; and
Whereas, government is the grantor of all rights, means to survive, and opportunities to access all approved knowledge and information; and
Whereas, in the words of MSNBC commentator, Melissa Harris Perry "We haven't had a very collective notion of these are our children. So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities"; and
Whereas, members of the Industrial Workers of the World (aka Wobblies) gather to commemorate their turn-of-the-20th century efforts to overthrow capitalism: and
Whereas, the citizens have already been encouraged to celebrate the birth date of Vladimir Lenin, who is one of the heroes of May Day. Lenin was the architect behind the 1917 October Revolution and later became the leader of the USSR. His birth date is April 22, which as a matter of pure coincidence is also the celebration of Earth Day; and
Whereas, in order for any activity to be worthy and legitimate it needs the imprimatur of government; and
Whereas, May Day is celebrated around the world on May 1;
Now, therefore, we elected officials do hereby proclaim Wednesday, May 1, 2013, as May Day, and encourage all citizens to participate in all activities associated with this day to celebrate collectivist ideals.
(Rick Dow is a student of history.)
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