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Celebrating history: Second stick-up in a month hits Havre

This year celebrates many milestones in Montana: the 150th anniversary of the formation of Montana Territory, the 125th anniversary of statehood, and the 100th anniversary of women's suffrage in Montana.

This series of articles for 2014 will showcase the progress of this area of Montana since Montana Territory was established.

For January, Havre newspapers will be featured. In February, entries from the Box Elder and Hingham papers will be featured. We will go back to the Havre papers in March, and so forth.

This first article in this series comes from The Havre Plaindealer's Jan. 10, 1914 issue. There was a lot of local news going on, such as:

Hold-Up Artists Lift Cash From Hotel Bar

Hold-up artists seem desirous of placing Havre in the same class with Great Falls and Butte, as the second "stickup" within thirty days occurred on Tuesday morning about 2 o'clock, when a couple of highwaymen entered the back door of the Havre hotel bar and commanded the bartender and others in the place to hold up their hands. The hold-up men found a ready compliance with their order, and while one of them kept the victims under control of a revolver, the other rifled the cash register of something over a hundred dollars.

There has been a series of hold-ups in Great Falls recently, and it is believed the depredations in Havre are being committed by a branch of the same organization that is operating in the Cataract city.

In other local news, the Hill County Abstract Company changed owners, Rufus Paul Ludwig lost his life due to an accidental gunshot, the Security State bank joined the Reserve system, another murder had taken place near Chester, and a large article recounting the Great Fire of 1904 was published on the first page. On Jan. 14, it will be 110 years ago that we nearly lost all of our downtown area due to a fire, the cause of which is still debated.

The Havre Plaindealer also had columns from communities outside Havre, a "Society" page by Arsee, a school gossip column by M. A. Bee describing activities at the schools and goods news of pupils, and the "Of Local Interest" section.


Woman's Club Tea

Red was the color scheme used at the tea given by the Women's club on last Tuesday afternoon. The tea table, presented a pretty appearance, covered by a Norwegian hardanger luncheon cloth, a large vase of poinsettias formed the centerpiece, and crystal candlesticks, with red shades, completed the decoration.

Mrs. J. A. Sutherland and Mrs. O. G. Skylstead poured tea, assisting at the table were Mres. S. Y. B. Williams, Mrs. V. R. Griggs, Mrs. W. F. Hamilton, Mrs. J. C. Benson, Mrs. D. H. Boone, and Mrs. Ed. M. Allen.

A very interesting program arranged by Mrs. Clara MacKenzie, was rendered during the afternoon, opened by a paper on "Norwegian Country Life," By Mrs. H. S. Kline, followed by a piano solo by Miss Ruth Stewart, Norwegian Folk dancing by little Miss Helen Stewart, vocal solo, Mrs. A. L. Ward, reading by Mrs. G. R. Hogland, and the closing number, a violin solo by Miss Kay Kent of Helena, accompanied by Miss DeBoos. The ladies are putting forth considerable effort in arranging these teas and programs and appreciate the patronage accorded them by the public. The funds realized are used for charitable and educational purposes.

Of Local Interest

Get in the procession. Burn Clack's lump coal. Full weight absolutely guaranteed. No clinkers, less ashes. It pays to burn the best coal. H. Earl Clack Co.


Don't forget the basketball game Saturday evening, tonight, at McIntyre's opera house. Chester H. S. vs. Havre Freshmen. Dance afterwards.


For rent-Furnished front room, $15.00 month, parties may have use of parlor. Call at corner Third Street and Fifth avenue. Ray Halver.


Mrs. G. L. Forge, of Forge's ladies' furnishing store expects to leave Saturday evening for New York City, where she will purchase her spring stock. Mrs. Forge expects to be absent from the city about six weeks.

These two small columns also appeared on the same page:

Change Hours For The Sunday Dinner

A change in the hours of Sunday dinner at Hotel Havre has been made by Mr. Martin, the proprietor, and it will no doubt appeal strongly to the patrons. Beginning tomorrow evening, dinner will be served from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., which is better for those people of the city who indulge only two meals on Sunday. The menu for Sunday is as follows: Celery, Olives, Oyster Cocktail, Oyster Soup, Imported Sardines (in oil), Young Turkey with Dressing, Roast Loin of Beef with Brown Gravy, Sherbet, Mashed Potatoes, Succotash, Wax Beans, Salad, Pumpkin Pie, Apple Pie, Charlotte Russe, and Café Noir.

Secretaries Being Given Heavy Fines

The professional secretaries, or those individuals in pants who exist on the earnings of prostitutes, are stacking up against heavy fines at the hands of Police Magistrate Pyper. The following each drew a fifty dollar fine for this offense during the week: W. S. Chambers, Ernest Hazelton and Roy Knipe.

The police department is at present gathering in the bags, and a number of undesirables were given a floater this week.


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