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Hello God. It's me, Mara


You know, Lord, an article on care giving reminds us how hard and stressful the work is and that caregivers, even if they feel good about the chance to give back, need to take care of themselves, too. Albeit, there is bound to be feelings of anxiety, guilt, isolation, exhaustion, confusion and where to turn for help. But despite whatever mishaps, mayhem or maladies, how about adding some humor in even the toughest situation?

When one becomes a caregiver, first off, one needs to know that they have to change the way they live their life, to take care of themselves and their loved one; and they need to learn to listen. Who knows — we, each one, may end up being a care giver, or needing one. Auntie was one as she cared for Uncle.

Auntie confided that she was shocked at how much she had to give up as Uncle’s eyesight failed. He was an avid reader — now Auntie had to read to him, reading things he was interested in and not what she enjoyed reading; while there sat her knitting basket, her favorite books, the cold, black and white TV set.

Auntie loved Uncle but becoming his eyes was nearly more than she’d bargained for. Auntie had a generous heart and a marvelous sense of humor; she also knew Your Word, Lord and she’d quote Proverbs 17:22 “A cheerful heart is good medicine.” She reminded us that God created laughter to lift our spirits, lighten our loads, heal our bodies and provide temporary reprieve from our chaotic lives. Proverbs 15:30: “A cheerful look brings joy to the heart and good news gives health to the bones.” That’s a good word for all of us, Lord, caregivers or not, right?

Thank You for this one, too: “A happy heart makes the face cheerful,” Proverbs 15:13.

Love Mara


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