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Hello God. It's me, Mara

Readying for winter!

You know, dear Lord, it’s autumn now, most outside work’s done soon. Some nights are clear, stars shine so bright, we even see the moon.

The neighbors brought their cows back home; we see them on the hill. We see them eat; walk to the creek. Just watching is a thrill. Yep — cows are home, the calves are sold, and chicken coop is cleaned. Llama and sheep, they’re tended to, all baby critters weaned. Family and friends and neighbors, too, sometimes will stop for fun. Winter is due, it’s coming soon! Most outside work is done.

As folks grow old, life views may change; unfinished projects wait. Some dodge and shirk or take a break, a rest in chair sounds great.

Winter comes down from way up north in months that have an “R.” We’ve been forewarned, so get in gear and winterize that car! Two boards on fence don’t like West Wind; decided to fall down. The neighbors are such busy folks, but one guy was in town. He stopped on by, got fence all fixed, so let the west wind blow. Outside chores done, mostly, they are; next comes the winter snow!

Canning is done; the jam tastes good, though garden is a mess.  Tomatoes grew, potatoes – not! Better next year, I guess. Inspection “tour,” we size things up and then we’ll stop for fun. That was a job; we’re hungry now for a cinnamon bun.

No one seemed lazy long ago, it seems some “things” have changed. Young ones grew up in different age; mindsets are rearranged!? We/they need to keep on going strong, there’s projects everywhere. Some really work while others shirk and some just do not care.

High standard, Lord, the Good Book says, we look to You, our rock. Dissatisfied, that’s what we are, we shy away and balk.

Love Mara


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