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Colbry in Liberty County clerk and recorder race

In the tail end of finishing up her first term in office, Liberty County Clerk and Recorder Angel Colbry hopes to serve a second term, but she will first have to fend off a primary challenge from Deputy Liberty County Clerk and Recorder Davin Buffington.

The two are facing off in the June 5 Republican primary.

No Democrat filed to run so the winner of the primary will also win the election in November.

The county clerk and recorder is the county's chief financial officer, Colbry said, and she believes her background in finance and management and the training in state finance she has received since she was elected are assets she brings to the office.

As someone who was elected clerk and recorder without having previously worked in the office, she said that she has familiarized herself with its functions.

Colbry said leadership positions she has held in finance and management, as well as her time as clerk and recorder, have provided her with administrative experience to run the office.

If re-elected, Colbry said, she looks forward to continuing to working to make sure elections in Liberty County are secure.

A scanner was recently purchased for the office and Colbry said the office will soon start digitizing county records so they are more readily available to the researchers.


Angel Colbry

Date and places of birth: Dec. 7, 1976; Deer Lodge

Education: Graduated from Permian High School in Odessa, Texas, 1995; Bachelor of Science in management and marketing from University of Montana, 2000;

Family: Ben Colbry, husband; two daughters

Work history: Former administrative programs coordinator at Liberty Medical Center; former bank teller; former manager and account executive

Political experience: Elected Liberty County Clerk and Recorder 2014, served as Clerk and Recorder 2015-present


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