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Letters to the Editor - Support 6-mill levy


This November, voters are going to be faced with a choice: whether or not to continue supporting a tradition that helps the students and future leaders of Montana.

The 6-mill levy was first passed in 1948 and has been on a 10 — year renewal cycle with passing margins becoming slimmer. This trend is not reversing in 2018 and if the levy is not passed it will hurt Montana students.

The 6-mill levy is not a new tax and it is not increasing. I know that many voters throughout the state feel a burden when it comes to paying levies and taxes, but there is a burden I also feel. That burden is the dramatically rising cost of higher education, and in Montana especially that burden is becoming much harder for students to carry.

I, as well as thousands of other students, have already taken out large amounts of student loans for only a single year of college. Another tuition hike will greatly impact my own financial situation and make it much more difficult for me to have access to a meaningful education.

This November, I am asking you all to please support Montana students and the 6-mill levy.

Dylan Haggert



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