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Letter to the Editor - I'm A Missoula Gun Owner - Keep Background Checks

I wish I could say I was bewildered with Republican “logic” with firearms in objecting a free city in a free state (we are free aren’t we?) to pass background checks to curb the ease of exchange of dangerous weapons within its city limits, but nothing surprises me about this political party anymore. LR-130 is their answer in deciding who has rights and for which part of the Constitution to read, interpret and adhere to. There is a state Republican from Bozeman who must pack heat to feel safe, advocating for this legislation. What is he expecting for his next visit to the Garden City?

We are not in the Old West any longer, “Gunsmoke” is only on reruns now on channel 200. There is no doubt an National Rifle Association factor at play. The president considers the NRA a fourth branch of government, and others seem to agree. $30 million in contributions in 2016, has had its intended effects. Missoula should be able to put into practice minimal sensible background checks, which a sane majority of the rest of the country want. I’ve hunted and owned guns and they are both overrated by too many.

More guns does not mean safer streets, as all statistics clearly indicate. Keep this law in my city, mind your own business, and consider “city rights” as an American concept the same as “Republican States Rights” idea that I grew up with. Remember Reagan’s opening in his 1980 campaign in which he stated about “states rights” in a county fair near Philadelphia, Mississippi. I remember and will remind you again if needed.

Erwin Curry



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