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Out Our Way: Sometimes God rides drag - Psalm 23 

   Out our way, moving cows is a lot different than moving sheep was in Biblical times. The ancient shepherds raised the sheep from lambs and stayed with them nearly always. Hence the sheep knew the shepherd's voice (John 10: 27) and followed him. But in modern times, that is no longer the case, and while cattle may not be a stupid as sheep, I have never heard of a herd that followed a cowboy.

When Charlie and I worked Big Mike's herd on the "Tiger," we had to "push" them. Charlie road point and flank but I always rode drag. My job was to get behind and move them forward. Sometimes just being there was enough, other times I had to yell and whistle - and now and then the tail end of my rope was needed to remind a reluctant pair that the way was forward. Like the "good shepherd," I had the same job: to get them to fresh pasture and good water when the old pasture was over grazed and water holes were going dry. But I had to use different methods.

  As I mentioned before, in ancient times the shepherd lived with the sheep and the flock came to know and trust him. They knew his voice and, because of that trust, where he went, they followed. The ancient shepherd walked in front and led the way. Try that with some rangey cattle and irritated bulls! I wonder if modern shepherds could leave their sheep dogs nipping at straggler's feet and just call the sheep to follow them as the ancients did. In reading about the old trail herds, I discover that often there was a "boss steer" who had been raised by the cowhands and actually did follow the point rider ... and the rest of the herd followed him.

Point being that even sheep and maybe cows - when they really know and trust you - can be led instead of driven.

  That got me thinking about how God so often has to ride "drag" on me. I tend to stray a good deal, and more than a few times God has had to smack my behind with His rope to get me moving in the right direction. Yes, God rides point and shows me the way, but too often He rides drag as well and has to drive me. Why is that?

Maybe because I don't know His voice as I ought to, nor trust Him as much as I claim. Why not? Because I have not really taken the time to do so. I have been too busy with my own stuff - trying to go my own way, too busy trying to be God instead of seeking to follow God. For all my degrees and years as a pastor, He still has to ride drag on me from time to time.

  The "thorns of the flesh" (2 Cor 12:7-10) I have written about are the tail end of the rope God uses when He has to ride drag on us. Even the Apostle Paul felt that rope, so as ashamed as I am that God has to ride drag on me from time to time, at least I am in good company. And that gives me hope. God hasn't quit on me.    

I have received a good many thwacks and smacks over the years, but I now know they are not punishment, but God driving me in the way I need to go. Like those herds I pushed up on the Tiger Ridge with Charlie, I often don't really understand why or where I need to be going. Like them I bawl and bellow my annoyance and irritation in my ignorance. But soon I hope to smell fresh pasture and clear water up ahead. I am slowly starting to trust the Lord riding point, but I am also grateful that given my ignorance, foolishness and just plain obstinacy at times, God sometimes rides drag!

Be blessed and be a blessing!

Brother John


The Rev. John Bruington is the retired pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Havre. He now lives in Colorado, but continues to write "Out Our Way." He can be reached for comment or dialogue at [email protected].


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