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Our Our Way: The great chinook - Matthew 24:4-14

Out our way, this time of year, the snows have begun and the cold winds are blowing from the Arctic with nothing but a barbed wire fence between us and the North Pole. It is a time of declining temperatures and sunlight as the days grow shorter and the nights get longer. But we know it will not last. Spring may seem to be a fantasy and it feels like it will always be winter - but then a chinook wind blows and reminds us that spring really is coming.  

As Isaiah prophesied, "The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light" (Isaiah 9:2). Jesus spoke of that day - the dawn of the Eternal Spring God promises even in the midst of the winter. The powers of darkness were especially strong in that time when He was born: despotic tyrants ruled the world, corrupt religious leaders used "god" for their own greed and power, and great poverty combined with a sense of insignificance dominated everyone not part of the cultural and political elite. Right and wrong were irrelevant, for only the rule of the elites mattered -and their rule was "do what I say because I say so."  

Such dark times are often associated with "prince of this world" whose power seemed absolute. And then Jesus was born. For Jesus said of the Prince of Darkness: "He has no power over me" (John 14:30). Soon after saying this, Jesus was condemned for claiming to be the Messiah and challenging the status quo. He was put to a horrible death as a criminal and that should have been the end of the story. Except it wasn't. Three days later, His followers claimed He had risen from the dead. And then came Pentecost when His formerly terrified disciples came boldly out into the streets, loudly proclaiming the Risen One. Every attempt to shut them down failed and more and more people came to believe in this Jesus. Exiled and eventually martyred as they spread the Gospel, they would not be quiet or recant - and others took their place. Years of persecution and attempts to stamp out the belief in Jesus failed and the Gospel continued to spread until even mighty Rome itself accepted Jesus as the Christ. And the faith continued to spread. Clearly, it could no longer be denied that indeed the "Prince of this world" had no power over Him. 

    But the story does not end there. Fast forward 2000-plus years and the power of the Risen Christ continues to be displayed as the world is transformed. Now, instead of "pounding the Bible" here, I propose to "pound History 101." Can anyone deny that a radical transformation of civilization and culture began to grow with Christ's birth, life, death and resurrection? Even secularists, atheists, and followers of other religions now seem to agree with Jesus' "radical" call to transform humanity. Evil is no longer hidden, but is now becoming obvious to all but the most blind. Learning to "love my neighbor as I love myself" is slowly gaining ground and selfishness, cruelty, and injustice are no longer hidden but are being recognized for the evil they are. 

      Now, for many, Christmas is only a few hours long, starting perhaps on Christmas Eve and ending when all the presents are opened. It is the world of Santa Claus, Rudolph, colored lights, stockings and gift exchanges. And then it is over and nothing really has changed. For many, "the winter of our discontent" remains our reality. How sad. But for those who have the ability to see, hear and listen, Christmas never ends. For we know that Christmas is the "Great Chinook" that came to remind us that, no matter how dark the winter storms may be, Spring is coming. And that chinook wind is still blowing.   

Be blessed and be a blessing.

Brother John


The Rev. John Bruington is the retired pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Havre. He now lives in Colorado, but continues to write "Out Our Way."


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