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Letter to the Editor - Care for ourselves and one another - get vaccinated


As faith leaders in Montana, we encourage you to receive the COVID vaccination if you are able. We believe we have a personal responsibility to get vaccinated as good stewards of God’s creation — our bodies. We believe we should get vaccinated out of love for our neighbors who may be physically vulnerable and not able to withstand the side effects of COVID-19. We believe we have a responsibility to get vaccinated to actively collaborate with our community to preserve life. We invite people of faith to join us as we express our care for ourselves and one another.

The Rev. Deborah Christine, Montana East District Superintendent of the United Methodist Church, Billings

Bishop Laurie Jungling, Montana Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Great Falls

The Right Rev. Stebbins, Episcopal Bishop of Montana, Helena

The Rev. Dr. Marc Ian Stewart, Conference Minister United Church of Christ, Billings

Student Rabbi Uriarte, Union for Reform Judaism, Billings


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