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Agenda - H. Earl Clack Memorial Museum Board

The H. Earl Clack Memorial Museum Board will meet Monday, May 9, in the Board Room of Havre Inn and Suites.

The meeting agenda is:

1. Call to order

2. Roll call of members

3. Reading and approval of minutes

4. Museum Report — Emily Mayer

5. Wahkpa Chu’gn Report — Emily Mayer

6. The Foundation Report — Elaine Morse

7. Committee reports

a. Budget and Finance

b. Bylaws — Kathy

8. Unfinished business

a. Report on move

b. Museum and Buffalo Jump hours (tour guide needs)

• Gussenhoven piano status-on hold

• Machinery move-on hold

9. New business

a. Charges for museum and combination museum/jump rate

10. Comments from the public

11. Adjournment of the meeting

The H. Earl Clack Memorial Museum Board will hold its next regular meeting Monday, June 13, at 6 p.m. in Havre Inn and Suites.


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