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42nd Annual Blackpowder Spring Shoot held at Fort Assinniboine

Bullhook Bottoms Blackpowder Club

Seventy-nine shooters participated in the 42nd annual Bullhook Bottoms Blackpowder Club Spring Shoot held May 28-30 at historic Fort Assinniboine south of Havre.

The weather was great all weekend, with temperatures in the high 60s to 70s with the normal northern Montana winds off and on, but shooting conditions would be rated as good.

Shooters came from all parts of Montana, yet the attendance numbers were down because of the wet weather forecast being reported all week, which unfortunately did not happen in this area. No records were broken or tied over the weekend.

Pete Huseby, Havre, captured the Overall Aggregate Trophy with a score of 211xx in five matches including 25-yard offhand, 50-yard offhand, 100-yard offhand, 50-yard cross sticks and 100-yard cross sticks. Huseby also took the Offhand Aggregate with 127 points on three targets.

The wind was a big factor throughout the shoot. The silhouette match had the lowest winning score in 42 years, which went to Pete Huseby, Havre, with six hits out of 12. The offhand match has four distances three shots each at 4-inch buffalo at 50 yards, pigs at 100 yards, turkeys at 150 yards and a ram at 200 yards.

The Larry Sutter Memorial Long Range match recorded only eight hits over the whole weekend.

Robert Sparks, Havre, claimed first with three hits, chicken (270 yards), a pig (320 yards) and the buffalo (580 yard). This event consists of an offhand target at 270 yards and four cross stick targets, a pig at 320 yards, turkey at 350 yards, ram at 380 yards and buffalo at 580 yards.

The Cross Stick Aggregate went to Hondo Owens, Havre, with an 87 on two targets, 50 and 100 yards.

The Pistol Aggregate went to Tom Brown, Havre, with 152x on two targets, 25-yard and 50-yard both scoring a possible 100 points each.

The Women's Aggregate was claimed by Lacey Huseby, Havre, with 121x points on three targets, 25-OH, 50-OH and 50 cross sticks.

In the black powder cartridge events, Kent Morehouse, Glasgow, won the Men's Cartridge Aggregate with 170x on four targets; Women's Aggregate went to Christina Schweigert, Havre, with 116 and the Junior Aggregate was won by Caleb Huseby, Havre, with 108. The cartridge events consist of four targets including 25-yard offhand, 50-yard offhand, 100-yard offhand and 100-yard cross sticks.

Tom Brown, Havre, won the Primitive Aggregate event with a score of 136. The event includes 20 different fun shots such as cut a playing card, cut the strings, split the ball on ax head, frogs on a log shot from a canoe, and offhand-offhand shot (meaning if you are right handed you shoot left handed), flies on the wall and several long-range shots. All targets are at various ranges.

Hawk and Knife Throw for adults was won by Andy Owens, Havre, for juniors Stryder Owens, Helena, and sub-juniors went to Strider Owens, Helena.

The Bonita Griggs Memorial Frying Pan Throw for Women's Division was won by Julie Sparks, Havre, 54 ft. 6 in.; Seniors Division went to Kemi Velk, Havre, 45 ft. 3 in.; Juniors Division was won by Lexi Sparks, Havre, 41ft. 0 in.; Pee-wee Division went to Sadie Griggs, Havre, 31 ft. 10 in.

The fire starting/pancake race Heat 1 was won by Dante Plum and Cliff Plum, Havre, at 1 minute 51 seconds; Heat 2 went to Sadie Griggs and Kendall Griggs, Havre at 1 minute 14 seconds; Heat 3 was won by Hadley Owens, Helena, and Aylah Hipple, Havre, 1 minute 23 seconds.

The list of match event winners are listed below. An X indicates a bullseye.

Bullhook Bottoms Blackpowder Club 42nd Annual Spring Shoot Results

2022 - 79 shooters

25-Yd. Offhand Cartridge

Men 1st: Kendall Griggs, Havre, 46xx

2nd: Troy Brugman, Great Falls, 44

3rd: Kent Morehouse, Glasgow, 43x

25-Yd. Offhand Cartridge

Women 1st: Tammy Griggs, Marysville, 43

2nd: Christina Schweigert, Havre, 27

3rd: Kathy Lynch, Havre, 25

25-Yd. Offhand Cartridge, Juniors

1st: Kaden Litzinger, Have 38

2nd: Caleb Huesby, Havre, 36

3rd: Sidney Griggs, Havre, 31

25-Yd. Pistol

1st: Dick Hanson, Havre, 89x

2nd: Pete Huseby, Have 87x

3rd: Tom Brown, Havre, 84x

25-Yd. Women's Offhand

1st: Lacey Huseby, Havre, 42

2nd: Mary Brown, Great Falls, 41

3rd: Tammy Griggs, Marysville 38

Skip Owens Memorial 25-Offhand

1st: Brad Bender, Havre, 43x

2nd: Randy Owens, Havre, 42

3rd: Pete Huseby, Havre, 42

Jaden Griggs Memorial 25-Yd. Sub-Junior X-Sticks, 11 yrs. and younger

1st: Tripon Chapman, Havre, 45x

2nd: Strider Owens, Helena, 42x

3rd: Lexi Sparks, Havre, 41

4th: Acics Hipple, Have 39

5th: Luke Griggs, Havre, 37x

6th: Amelia McDonald, Missoula 33

7th: Avyn Hipple, Havre, 27

8th: Rankin Owens, Helena, 18

9th: Aylah Hipple, Havre, 14

10th: MacKenzie St. Marks, Havre, 12

11th: Hadley Owens, Helena, 11

12th: Sadie Griggs, Havre, 0

13th: Darren Keith, Havre, 0

50-Yd. Hunter 5 Sit/5 Ramrod

1st: Pete Huseby, Havre, 97x

2nd: Tom Brown, Havre, 92xx

3rd: Brad Bender, Havre, 85

50-Yd. Women X-Sticks

1st: Kemi Velk, Havre, 43xx

2nd: Lacey Huseby, Havre, 42x

3rd: Kathy Lynch, Havre, 38

50-Yd. Chad Doney Junior X-Sticks, up to 18 yrs

1st: Kodi Sparks, Havre, 41

2nd: Keiana Griggs, Missoula 37

3rd: Noah Barret, Havre, 36

4th: Travis Huseby, Havre, 34

5th: Acics Hipple, Havre, 32

6th: Tripton Chapman, Havre, 31

7th: Gage Chapman, Havre, 30

50-Yd. Offhand Cartridge-Men

1st: Kent Morehouse, Glasgow, 46

2nd: Troy Brugman, Great Falls, 43x

3rd: Tom Brown, Havre, 42

50-Yd. Offhand Cartridge-Women

1st: Lacey Huseby, Havre, 34

2nd: Amanda Owens, Havre, 31x

3rd: Christina Schweigert, Havre, 29

50-Yd. Offhand Cartridge-Juniors

1st: Caleb Huseby, Havre, 32

2nd: Travis Huseby, Havre, 22

3rd: Sidney Griggs, Havre, 0

50-Yd. X-Sticks 1st:

Tom Brown, Havre, 46xx

2nd: Pete Huseby, Havre, 46x

3rd: Hondo Owens, Havre, 46

50-Yd. Offhand

1st: Cliff Plum, Havre, 46

2nd: Tom Brown, Havre, 45

3rd: Pete Huseby, Havre, 44

100-Yd. Cartridge X-Sticks-Men

1st: Kent Morehouse, Glasgow, 45

2nd: Troy Brugman, Great Falls, 42

3rd: Tom Brown, Havre, 41x

100-Yd. Cartridge X-Sticks - Women

1st: Lacey Huseby, Havre, 30

2nd: Amanda Owens, Havre, 29

3rd: Christina Schweigert, Havre, 24

100-Yd. Cartridge X-Sticks-Juniors

1st: Travis Huseby, Havre, 37

2nd: Kaden Litzinger, Havre, 33

3rd: Caleb Huseby, Havre, 21


1st: Pete Huseby, Havre, 6

2nd: Brad Bender, Havre, 5

3rd: Dick Hanson, Havre, 5

50-Yd. Pistol

1st: Dick Hanson, Havre, 70

2nd: John P. Anderson, Havre, 69

3rd: Tom Brown, Havre, 68

50-Yd. X-Sticks, Dwight Young Memorial

1st: Bob Doney, Havre, 50xx

2nd: Hondo Owens, Havre, 49xx

3rd: Kemi Velk, Havre, 49xx

4th: Cameron Griggs, Havre, 48x

100-Yd. Cartridge Offhand - Men

1st: Mike Litzinger, Havre, 43

2nd: Troy Brugman, Great Falls, 40

3rd: Kent Morehouse, Glasgow, 36

100-Yd. Cartridge Offhand - Women

1st: Tina Bender, Havre, 38

2nd: Christina Schweigert, Havre, 35

3rd: Amanda Owens, Havre, 32

100-Yd. Cartridge Offhand - Juniors

1st: Travis Huseby, Havre, 25x

2nd: Kaden Litzinger, Havre, 24

3rd: Caleb Huseby, Havre, 19

50-Yd. Musket

1st: Mike Litzinger, Havre, 41

2nd: Dick Hanson, Havre, 40

3rd: Pete Huseby, Havre, 38

50-Yd. Women's Offhand

1st: Lacey Huseby, Havre, 37

2nd: Amanda Owens, Havre, 37

3rd: Kathy Lynch, Havre, 36

100-Yd. X-Sticks

1st: Troy Brugman, Great Falls, 42

2nd: Hondo Owens, Havre, 41

3rd: Cameron Griggs, Havre, 40

100-Yd. Offhand

1st: Pete Huseby, Havre, 41x

2nd: Tom Griggs, Marysville 40

3rd: Tammy Griggs, Marysville 35

Pistol Aggregate

Tom Brown, Havre, 152x

Women's Aggregate

Lacey Huseby, Havre, 121x

Offhand Aggregate

Pete Huseby, Havre, 127x

Cross Stick Aggregate

Hondo Owens, Havre, 87

Cartridge Aggregate - Men

Kent Morehouse, Glasgow, 170x

Cartridge Aggregate - Women

Christina Schweigert, Havre, 116

Cartridge Aggregate - Juniors

Caleb Huseby, Havre, 108

Over-All Aggregate

Pete Huseby, Havre, 211xx

Primitive Aggregate

1st: Tom Brown, Havre, 136

2nd: Nick Owens, Helena, 124

3rd: Brad Bender, Havre, 105

4th: Robert Sparks, Havre, 90

5th: Tom Griggs, Marysville 90

6th: Clinit Owens, Havre, 85

7th: Cliff Plum, Havre, 85

8th: Mark Hofer, Havre, 80

9th: Andy Owens, Havre, 73

Long-Range Cartridge, OH- 270-Yd.s., Pig - 320-Yds., Turkey - 350-Yds., Ram - 380-Yds., Buffalo - 580-Yds.

1st: Robert Sparks, Havre, - (P-C-B) 3

2nd: Kent Morehouse, Glasgow, - (OH-P-B) 3

3rd: Alan Dees, Havre, - (R) 1

4th: Cameron Griggs, Havre, (T) 1

Hawk Throw, Adult

1st: Amanda Owens, Havre

2nd: Andy Owens, Havre

3rd: Nick Owens, Helena

Hawk Throw, kids younger than 15

1st: Gage Chapman, Havre

2nd: Caleb Huseby, Havre

3rd: Kaehl Owens, Helena

Hawk Throw, Sub-Junior 11 and younger

1st: Strider Owens

2nd: Avyn Hipple

3rd: Acics Hipple

4th: Rankin Owens

5th: Tripton Chapman

6th: Sadie Griggs

7th Hadley Owens

8th: Luke Griggs

Bonita Griggs Memorial Frying Pan Throw, Ladies

1st: Julie Sparks, Havre, 54'6"

2nd: Kristi Chapman, Havre, 54'5'

3rd: Kaci Hipple, Havre, 49'8"

Bonita Griggs Memorial Frying Pan Throw, Seniors

1st: Kemi Velk, Havre, 45'3"

2nd: Jolene Hanson, Havre, 42'10"

3rd: Mary Brown, Great Falls, 41'6"

Bonita Griggs Memorial Frying Pan Throw, ages 9-15

1st: Lexi Sparks, Havre, 41'0"

2nd: Berlyn Griggs, Havre, 37'7"

3rd: Kodi Sparks, Havre, 31'1"

Bonita Griggs Memorial PeeWee Frying Pan Throw, 8 and younger

1st: Sadie Griggs, Havre, 31'10"

2nd: MacKenzie St. Marks, Havre, 29'5"

3rd: Hadley Owens, Helena, 21'7"

4th: Amelia McDonald, Missoula 9'2"

Pancake Race

Heat #1 Dante Plum and Cliff Plum, Havre, (1.51)

Heat #2: Sadie Griggs and Kendall Griggs, Havre, (1.14)

#3: Hadley Owens, Helena, and Aylah Hipple, Havre, (1.23)

Fun Matches

X Target: Sidney Griggs, Havre

Card Shoot: Pete Huseby, Havre

Half Target: Brad Bender, Havre, 47x

Poker Shoot: Kaliah Jones, Missoula

Gopher: Sidney Griggs, Havre, 30 out of 30 possible

High Card Draw: Kaliah Jones, Missoula (Joker/K)

Pie Plate: Sidney Griggs, Havre


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