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Agenda - H. Earl Clack Memorial Museum Board

Editor’s note: Havre Daily News did not receive this agenda in time to put in Friday’s Havre Daily News.

The next regular meeting of the H. Earl Clack Memorial Museum Board will be today, August 8, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Havre Inn and Suites, 1425 U.S. Highway 2 West.

The meeting agenda is:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call of members

3. Reading and Approval of Minutes

4. Museum Report – Emily Mayer

5. Wahkpa Chu’gn Report-Emily Mayer

6.The Foundation Report-Elaine Morse

7.Committee Reports

• Budget and Finance — Val — Report on budget and new forms for both the museum and the...


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