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Out Our Way: Hello Dally

Isaiah 41:10 - 'Fear not for I am with you!, be not dismayed, for I am your God! I will strengthen you, I will help you; I will hold you with my righteous right hand!"

Out our way, I get a laugh from real deal cowhands when they ask if I am good with a rope. I raise my hands and wiggle my thumbs. A lot of folks who are not too great accidentally get their thumbs taken off when they dally the rope incorrectly. I have my thumbs, not because I am good with a rope or the dally - but because I am terrible at both, know it, and so don't rope at all.

I have shared this story before - but at branding on the Diamond V ranch in rural Wyoming, one of the "comedians" knew I had bought a lariat and had been practicing with it - so he handed me one and as a calf ran out the chute, urged me to rope it. I started to swing a loop when I suddenly remembered I was on foot and there was no saddle horn to dally it. Although doubtful, had I managed to catch the calf, it would have pulled me off my feet and dragged me across the corral.

Ho ho, Amos ... BIG foolum!

Now, I have been to many a rodeo and watched the calf roping - admiring the beauty of it all, but also the way the roper dallied his rope to his horse's saddle. The horse slammed on the brakes and the calf was caught. The roper then took his piggin string and tied the calf's legs in a few seconds. (I also cannot hog tie a calf. No wonder I am the "dust eater" at every round up!)

I am pretty much a "dust eater" in other aspects of life as well, but my " life's rope" is dallied around the Lord. Remember when I stepped in the quicksand while checking the fence and lost my boot? I dallied my rope around Doc's saddle and tied it off on my bootstraps. I could not budge the boot - but Doc could and did. I relied on Doc's strength and power rather than my own - and "pop!" - he pulled the boot out of the muck with ease.

Lately, it hasn't just been my boots that are getting stuck in the mire - as tragedy and sorrows have come upon me in many forms. Rejection, pain, and betrayals have plagued me for many years, but I have my lifeline dallied around the Lord's right hand - and He is reminding me - and you -this day - that the dally will hold.

Recall that hymn:

"On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand."

Hello, Dally!

Be blessed and be a blessing!

The old dust easter preacher : Brother John


The Rev. John Bruington is the retired pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Havre. He now lives in Colorado, but continues to write "Out Our Way." He can be reached for comment or dialogue at [email protected].


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