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Free gift card letter is a fraud

Recently, a number of my friends and I received cards in the mail supposedly offering a “$100 gift savings card good at Wal-Mart or Target!” All that was needed was to call “toll-free” to 1-866-903-0947, supplying a claim number provided on the card.

Calling the number, I was given the usual sales pitch, then told that I had to supply my credit card number and make a call charge before I could collect my $100 credit. Of course, I refused to supply my credit card number and its expiration date.

Later on, contacting Walmart, I learned that the card is a fraud not sent out by Walmart or Target at all.

The attendant at Walmart identifying the card as a fraud suggested I turn the card in to the sheriff's department and contact my credit card provider.

A warning to everybody in the community: If you received such a card, turn it in.

Bill Thackeray



Reader Comments(5)

2smart4u writes:

That's it, Joe. Continue taking the low road; it's the path of least resistance and something you're quite familiar and comfortable with.

Joe writes:

Typical demorat believing you would get something for nothing in the first place not2smart

2smart4u writes:

Here's Joe giving people their daily hunk of tripe. Plenty of fake CONservatives with their hands out for ag subsidies, tax incentives and credits and other corporate welfare. The question you should be asking is why this info came from a Democrat you loathe instead of our so-called self-professed expert Business Queen at the Chamber?

KungLao writes:

great bait, mate

Joe writes:

Why is it that democrats always expect things to be free and then are suprised when they are not?

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