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Saturday concert will help fund Salvation Army projects

At Christmas, people without enough money can turn to the Salvation Army to ensure that their children get gifts for the holiday.

When these people run out of home heating oil, they can get money from Salvation Army to tide them over.

People in need of prescriptions can rely on the Salvation Army to help them.

Saturday night, Havre can help out the Salvation Army — and have a good time, too.

People will be entertained with music of all sorts — ranging from flute to barbershop quartet music — at the annual "A Night of Music to help The Salvation Army, " which begins at 7 p. m. at Havre High School.

Master of ceremonies Matt Montagino will introduce each of the performers at the event, the third annual celebration aimed at raising funds for the Salvation Army.

Among the performers:

  • The Hallingstad family;
  • Faithful Flutes of the First Lutheran Church;
  • Barber Shop Quartet;
  • Cleve McSwain and Mary Stevens;
  • Tom Booth; and
  • Marimba solos by Nate Ramsbacher

and Bill Dolph.


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