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Chippewa Cree Rodeo to conduct school

The Chippewa Cree Rodeo Association, with the sponsorship of Washington Redskins Original Americans Foundation, is conducting three days of rodeo schools at the Sybil Sangrey-Colliflower Memorial Arena three miles east of Box Elder

A team roping, steer wrestling and calf roping school will be held Tuesday and Wednesday, July 29-30, starting at 9 a.m. each day. The lead instructor for the school is Nolan Conway of Browning. Conway is ranked in the top 10 for the Indian National Finals Rodeo in all three disciplines.

A bareback and saddle bronc school is slated for Thursday, July 31, starting at...


Reader Comments(3)

aimprez59521 writes:

By the way I have broke horses all my life and been around cattle all my life also. So dont go saying I am against cowboys per se. I simply am against the term redskins used for thier benefit as well as using Indians with No Morels. Tony Woods and Mr White do not speak for me as neither is from here in the first place and no cowboy speaks for me either.

aimprez59521 writes:

Reminds me of the cowboys who were Goons back in the 70's on pine ridge,they too,sold out to the authority at hand and had no Indian Morels.

DonnieSue writes:

Hummm, So there isn't anyone who can assist this so called rodeo from Rocky Boy or is this a ploy to funnel money away from the Rodeo Club, Hey Red Skins watch the money you donated. Ask for accountability.

Rendered 05/08/2024 04:03