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Out Our Way: Christmas 101

Out our way, the signs of Christmas are all around. Aside from the traditional signs of Christmas such as the decorations going up down town, Christmas trees going up in homes, carols playing on the sound system at the Mall, and Advent programs at the Church — it is also a season of new traditions 

While I will admit my attempt at creating a new tradition by ringing at a Salvation Army Red Kettle with Goliath in his reindeer antlers hasn’t worked out, I am pleased to note that many others have.

For example, Linda Johnson brought the idea of the Festival of Trees to Havre a few years ago to benefit the Boys and Girl’s Club and it has clearly caught on. Various businesses, clubs, churched and individuals have dedicated long hours and resources to decorating trees and placing all sorts of marvelous gifts beneath then to be auctioned off. While a plaque is giving to the top tree every year — the truth is everybody is a winner — and especially the children whom this marvelous annual event benefits.

Angel Trees are popping up around town as well in which people can take a name and do a little Christmas shopping for needy folks in the community. Some congregations also have Mitten Trees in which mittens, gloves, scarves and hats for folks who are without and facing this cold season can be blessed with a little extra protection. 

For two years now, the Van Orsdel UnitedMethodist Church has organized a Coat Rack Ministry for folks at the  Feed My Sheep Soup Kitchen. Old worn-out coats can be exchanged for newer and warmer ones donated by folks around town and distributed along with the food, fellowship and prayers offered daily during the regular serving times.

And of course, just last week The Community Thanksgiving Dinner was offered free of charge to everyone at St. Jude Parish Center. So many people volunteered that coordinator Deb Rhines and her committee had more than enough help to cover the serving, tables and clean up. It was a Thanksgiving meal but the spirit of Christmas was in everyone’s heart as well.

As you may recall, while Goliath may refuse to wear the reindeer antlers and come ringing bells with me this year, Old Doc’s heart is in the right place. He told me to take the cost of a bag of oats and put it in the Kettle as his gift. I am very proud of him getting into the real Christmas spirit which is, after all, about giving and not as much about getting. Well sir, last week with the first red kettles making their appearance, I slipped a few dollars into one of them and whispered, “Merry Christmas from Goliath.” I intend to do the same a few more times until Doc’s gift is distributed. He may not wear antlers, but is definitely getting into the spirit of things. He heard about the Heifer Project in which live animals are given to subsistence farmers in third world countries who then raise them and build up a flock of chickens, goats or sheep, a herd of cows, llamas, or other critters, or even a school of fish. Then those who receive that gift this year donate part of their livestock to some of heir neighbors and soon a whole community benefits.

“Now that’s just plain good horse sense,” Goliath told me with that look of his. And then he asked if he could donate another bag of oats to help with that as well. Good old “Doc Goliath” has taught me a great deal of theology from the saddle as many of you know, but even in this winter season when I chicken out from riding and he stays in the paddock with his girlfriend, Babe, he is still teaching me valuable lessons.

I am grateful this Christmas to be a student at the “Montana Seminary of Horse Sense Theology” run by old Doc, and for all my other teachers of “Christianity 101” I have met in the pews, on the streets, and in the stores here in Havre over the years. You may not have a doctorate degree hanging on your wal l, but you are a full- professor in teaching folks like me to walk the walk and not just talk the talk. 

Christmas is not just the decorations and beautiful lights; it is a season of the heart. Christmas just happens to be one of the best times we get to do what we do best: care about our neighbors. That bumper sticker that says, “Havre — It’s the People;” that’s not just a catchy slogan, but a statement of fact. Havre becomes Bethlehem every year, as the true “reason for the season” makes Himself known in its people. The love of neighbor that is as critical as the Love of God, is practiced here year round. For so many who are new to the region, that special Hi-Line brand of caring for all shines like a star on a winter night. Wise men and wise women still seek Him — and here, in the hearts of so many, they shall surely find Him.

  (John Bruington, Goliath, and Scout can be reached at [email protected]. This and other articles, sermons and cartoons are available at and the book  Out Our Way: Theology Under Saddle  is available at


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