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County superintendent incapacitated due to illness

County Commission considering temporary replacement for essential work

The Hill County Commission is considering how to proceed with appointing a temporary replacement for Hill County Superintendent of Schools Vicki Proctor, who is temporarily unable to fulfill her duties due to illness.

Hill County Commission Chair Mark Peterson said Proctor has been incapacitated and the county needs someone to handle the essential work of her position while she recovers.

Hill County Attorney Lacey Lincoln said Proctor is ill, but beyond that she can’t say anything more.

Havre Daily News was not able to contact Proctor for comment before the publication of this story.

The agenda for the Hill County Commission’s business meeting, sent to the Havre Daily News last week, lists a vote to appoint an interim superintendent of schools, but Peterson said Monday he’s not sure what the legal mechanism is for that.

He said he consulted with the legal team at the Montana Association of Counties and they weren’t sure what the law was for a temporary appointment like that, so they are still working out the details.

However, he said, Proctor is still the county’s superintendent of schools.

This morning, Lincoln said the county is discussing options, but no decision on how to proceed has been made yet.


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