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Salvation Army seeks help on Red Kettle fundraising shortfall

As a new year begins, The Salvation Army needs help to fulfill its mission to serve

Press release

The Salvation Army is asking everyone in Havre to donate to support neighbors in need in the new year. We are grateful to the many donors who gave generously this Christmas season, but the need persists. Donate in person at your local Salvation Army or .  

  “The need for food, shelter, toys, and clothing for at risk families was at record levels this year, but we had fewer people donate to our Red Kettles this Christmas,” Divisional Commander Lt. Col. Cindy Foley said. “We rely on our generous donors to ensure that our neighbors in need receive the vital services they need to survive.” 

In Havre, $32,345.37 has been raised but an additional $2,654.63 is needed to serve neighbors in need. The Havre Service Center is close to meeting its goal and needs people’s support.

The Salvation Army serves more than 620,000 people across the Pacific Northwest throughout the year. This year it is are depending on people to help neighbors in need. 


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