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Fair Board discusses preparations for upcoming fair season

The Great Northern Fair Board met Tuesday evening to review contracts with financing and maintenance of the fairgrounds.

The Great Northern Fair will be from July 17-21.

A major topic of discussion was about a memorandum of understanding from Hill County 4-H regarding a few changes, including designated 4-H parking, vendor fees, and usage of buildings like the Horse Barn. The memorandum has not been finalized and will be revised and reviewed with the 4-H.

In addition, the house that was used as the fairgrounds office is now being rented out as a private residence. The board wanted to ensure the public is aware of this change. The office now is the white building east of the campground.

Fairgrounds manager Frank English said he is searching for summer help for helping maintain the cleanliness of the fairgrounds.

Board Vice Chair Bob Kaul reviewed the buildings and grounds topic.

"We are just trying to keep everything the way it is. I don't see any major projects, other than ... the horse barn on the east side, having the floor reattached to the wall," he said.


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