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Rehberg bill would devastate northern Montana


Dennis does it again.

Rep. Rehberg has co-sponsored a bill which can devastate the northern third of Montana. House Bill 1505, National Security and Federal Lands Protection Act, will not protect federal lands. It's an example of creating big government and granting the Department of Homeland Security the right to seize control of all federal land within 100 miles of the Canadian border.

We could kiss goodbye to hunting, fishing, grazing, logging and recreation on federal land. All in the name of gaining "operational control" of our international borders.

The lands could be fenced in, closed to the public, have buildings erected and roads built through them. This can occur with no public input, even if it impacts your private property.

The bill waives provisions of 36 existing laws, including those relating to farmland. And it waves their provisions on federal, state and private lands within 100 miles of the border.

The Secretary of Homeland Security becomes a regional czar by providing that the departments of Interior and Agriculture "shall not impede, prohibit or restrict his activities.

The bill has a radical provision exempting its actions from court review.

It goes so far as allowing Homeland Security the right to ignore tribal protections of sacred sites.

Space does not allow listing all the groups, bodies and present activities which could be affected. There needs to be a massive outpouring of communication with Rehberg telling him "no way." Save Montana and the northern tier of states from this monstrous law.

Ernest Scherzer

Trout Creek


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