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Beaver Creek Park cleanup project set for Sunday

In conjunction with Saturday's Havre Pride cleanup, a new group formed to help with the county park south of town is holding another cleanup project Sunday.

Friends of Beaver Creek Park is sponsoring Love Our Park Day in conjunction with Havre Pride, running from 1 p. m. to 5 p. m.

Friends director Dana Pyette said people who want to help in the effort should meet at Lions Campground at 1 p. m. Garbage bags and water bottles will be provided, and the Friends of the park will host a potluck barbecue for the volunteers following the cleanup.

Pyette said the Friends are encouraging people to pick up park use permits, required for any use of the park.

Permits are available at the Beaver Creek Park office at Camp Kiwanis, at the Hill County Courthouse, at Stromberg's Sinclair, Bing 'N' Bob's and Big R.

The Friends also are scheduling meetings with county officials that govern the operation of the park.

Thursday, the group, which works to raise funds, look for projects on the park and volunteer for projects but is not actually part of the decision-making for Beaver Creek Park's operations, will meet with the grazing committee that advises the park board on grazing operations.

Pyette said that the meeting is set at 5:30 p. m. at the Beaver Lodge at Camp Kiwanis.

She said that May 7, the group is hosting the meeting of the Hill County Park Board, also at the Beaver Lodge.

Work on the Spring for Beaver Creek Park fundraiser, set for May 12, also is progressing. The event is planned to have an open house at Camp Kiwanis from noon to 5 p. m., including children's and family activities and games, and a dance and live and silent auctions in the lodge from 5 p. m. to midnight. Transportation to and from the event will be provided by North Central Montana Transit.

Friends of Beaver Creek Park board President Ursula Brese said the group is looking for more vendors interested in participating in the fundraiser.

She said tickets for the fundraiser are available at PJ's, Creative Leisure, 1st Street Mane Attraction, the Shanty Bar, Shamrock Bar and Casino, High Plains Gallery, Bright Ideas Advertising, Bearly Square Quilting and Angie's Wildflowers, or via email at [email protected] and at [email protected].

Pyette said she is working with North Central Montana Transit to organize an Arts in the Park evening event, which would consist of a symphony orchestral performance at Beaver Creek. She said anyone interested in helping with planning or organizing the event could contact her or transit director Jim Lyons.

She said the Friends group also is looking for people to help promote, plan and organize the annual Farmer's Union Camp, which was scheduled for June 7-10 this year.

Loving Beaver Creek Park

The members of Friends of Beaver Creek Park have listed their "Top 10 reasons to love Beaver Creek Park" on a poster urging people to buy their park permits before the May 1 start of the season:

1. Spectacular unspoiled nature;

2. Camping, picnics;

3. Time away with family and friends;

4. Hiking, biking, walking;

5. Escape from everyday life;

6. Fishing, wildlife;

7. Off the beaten path;

8. History and cultural heritage;

9. No cell service;

10. Breathtaking beauty in our special place in Montana.


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