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Salvation Army thanks volunteers for 'life-changing' work


As recognition to National Volunteer Week, I would like to take the time to thank our many volunteers who enhance our services here at The Salvation Army.

Last year (Oct. 1, 2011, to Sept. 30, 2012) we had 113 volunteers who put in 456 hours of volunteer time.

At The Salvation Army, we figure that volunteers are worth $20 an hour, so we were able to save around $9,000.

This savings was able to be put back into the community in means of emergency utility assistance, emergency rental assistance, permanent housing assistance and much more for those in need. Thank you volunteers, we appreciate you very much. This brings to mind a bible verse that talks when we help others.

"Then the righteous will say, 'Lord, we never realized that when we fed the hungry we were feeding you or that when we gave thirsty people a drink we were giving it to you! Neither did we realize that when we took strangers into our houses, we were taking you in or when we gave people clean clothes, we were giving them to you! And we didn't know that when we visited the sick or those in prison, we were standing by you!' And the Son of God will say, 'I know you didn't realize this because a change took place in your life, and kindness and compassion became a part of your nature. What you did by caring for those who are thought to be unimportant was acknowledged by God as if you had done it for me.'" Matthew 25:37-40 (the Clear Word).

For those of you who have never volunteered, it can be a life-changing event. There are so many ways to volunteer here in the Havre/Hi-Line community. We will be having a volunteer recognition/annual dinner Tuesday, May 14, where we get a chance to give back to our volunteers. All are invited. God bless the many volunteers in this community.

Trina Crawford

Salvation Army


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