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Our View: Hi-Line darts and laurels, July 3, 2014

Laurel — Community groups always unite to present entertaining programs for the community. Nothing highlights that fact more than this weekend. The Havre Jaycees will put on their annual Independence Day fireworks display Friday night. During the day, a group of volunteers will put on the annual Fourth of July. Festivities start at noon at Pepin Park. This year, the performance of Shakespeare in the Park gets underway at 7 p.m. in the park. Thanks to all the volunteers in all the groups who are helping to make the Fourth of July so entertaining.

Dart — There should be a booming business for stores that sell new television sets in the next few months. That’s because lots of frustrated Montanas will be throwing shoes at their set, causing the screens to break. Their ire will be raised because they will be required to watch an endless number of campaign commercials. Two years ago, according to one study, the average Montana television watchers had to endure more political commercials than any person ever in American history. Now Karl Rove has promised that his Crossroads outfit will be buying millions of commercials on behalf of candidates he supports. Don’t think Democrats will let this go unanswered. Brace yourself for a long political season.

Laurel — Two Native American advocacy groups — one from Montana, one from South Dakota — are petitioning the federal court system to see the racist emails Judge Richard Cebull mailed out to friends. The incredibly racist emails insulted blacks, gays, Native Americans and a host of other ethnic groups. The judge has since been pushed into retirement and the judicial panel that investigated said it found Cebull had not discriminated against these groups from the bench, but the Native groups are anxious to find out for themselves. We think the Native groups — and the rest of us — have a right to see the emails so we can make up our minds for ourselves.


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