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So many helped out with Community Thanksgiving Dinner


To our community,

The mission statement for the Community Thanksgiving Dinner states: “The purpose of this project is to provide a free Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings to all who wish to participate: rich, poor, young, old, singles, couples and families. The spirit of the project is to bring our community together as one big extended family to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday.”

The home deliveries are provided to people who are unable to make it to the location. With many helping hands we were once again able to fulfill the mission statement by providing almost 800 meals.  

This project would not have been a success without the support from the following: The Anonymous Donor, Alan, Peter, Tina, Gus, Tim, Dan, Brent, John, Brenda, Laura, Shelley, Tracy, Diane, Jerry, Pat, Spike, Robin, Patti, Kristi, Karen, Shannon, Mary, China, Kathy, Pat, Lisa, Keegan, Sandy, Richard, Kristen, Rana, Brad, Tom, Charlie, Charlie’s friend, Burnie, Charlie, Krysta, Eagan, Tyrel, Samuel, Nick, Kurt, Sara, Haley, Mary, Shelton x 6, Meg, Jim, Brenda, John, Connie, Dave, Angela, Brett, Jesse, Pat, Brett, K.J., Warren, Damian, Steve, Matthew, Molly, Shawn, Judy, Herman, Dylan, Nikola, Trevail, Jermaine, Nicholas, Laura, Sammy, Marla, Brenda, Andy, Heather P., Heather A., Kinsey, Morgan, Andrea, Cynthia, Jaclyn, Debbie, Vince, August, Herb, Elliott, Decker, Kody, Michael, Jeff, Kathy, Bob, Tina, Helen, Berlee, Rick, Ty, Wayne, Terry, Chris, Meara, Jack, Jaclynn, Sandy, Dolan, Paul, Rachelle, Taylor, Molly, Brandy, Jacy, Chris, Cydney, Megan, Peyton, Natalee, Makhayla, Taybra, A’Jha, Linda, Fred, Grace, Nicole, Crystal, Dan, Quinn, Bob, Nicole, Lisa, Sheridan, Sydney, Saige, Jacie, Mattie, Jayla, Jenna, Cori, Brian, Cole, Trailblazers 4-H Club members, Krista, Tim, Ranae, Dale, Charlie, Steve, Lorraine, Breck, Dick, Leann, Brandon, Pam, Tori and Jake.

The fine people at: Gary & Leo’s Fresh Foods, St. Jude Parish Center, North Central Montana Senior Center volunteers, the Havre Food Bank, New Media Broadcasters, KXEI, the Havre Daily News staff and the Montana State University-Northern men’s and momen’s basketball players.

  Please accept my sincere apologies if I have missed anyone.

  “The world is hugged by the faithful arms of volunteers.” — Terri Guillements

Thank you.

Warmest regards,

Debi Rhines


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