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Out Our Way: The patience of Doc

Matthew 7:7-8

Out our way God is always ready to teach us something new if we will just be patient and learn to open our eyes, ears and minds. As most of you know by now, I have given my horse, Goliath, the nickname of "Doc" because he has often been my professor at the Institute of Horse Sense Theology.

Aside from lessons on humility conducted by tossing me into the cactus when I get a bit cocky, he has also taught me lessons in patience,

I am not exactly a handy guy or a fast learner. And it seemed it took me forever to learn how to center the saddle properly, get the cinch tight enough in front and the back cinch loose enough behind ... and just getting the bridle on and adjusted took numerous attempts before I finally got it down. But the worst was trying to get the hang of tying the lead rope for the quick release that every rider masters when saddling their steed. Wow! That took me days to get it right. And Goliath just stood still and waited.

I know he sometimes got a bit frustrated - more than once as I was adjusting and readjusting the saddle I heard him sigh - and once when I was fiddling with the stirrups and just not getting them even, he looked around at me and I could almost swear he rolled his eyes. But he allowed me to keep trying until I got it.

As I think about old Doc's patience with me despite so many foul ups, mistakes and false starts - I recall the scriptures urging us all to trust in God's patience as well. Jesus said to "ask, seek, and knock" - and trust God to answer, be found, and open the door." But how many of us have really tried to seriously ask, seek or knock? I know I have said I was going to do these things and even made a feeble attempt now and again. I haven't asked - I have mumbled a pathetic half hearted whisper. I have not sought - I have just glanced about without really looking. I have not knocked - but just lightly touched the door, "O ye of little faith." says the Lord to me. But I don't hear because I am not really listening.

But God is patient and continues to wait for me to get serious and finally really ask, seek and knock. He has not given up on me despite all my bumbling failures. Does God sigh in frustration as Doc did when I was fumbling around with his saddle? Perhaps - but like Doc, He does not quit on me. That is some good news for a bumbler like me who needs the encouragement to keep trying.


John Bruington and Doc encourage all to keep trying and not get discouraged by failure. God is patient. Both the Scripture and Doc teach us that.


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