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From the Fringe … Why did we change the way we use fireworks in Havre?

If it ain’t broke, why fix it? That’s an honest question, and one that can apply to a lot of different things.

For me, it applies to Havre’s policy on Fourth of July fireworks in the city limits. I just don’t understand what was wrong with the way we as Havreites did it for so many years.

Of course, for so many locals, what I’m about to say won’t be popular, but being a columnist isn’t about winning popularity contests, it’s about offering up an opinion, and here’s mine.

I just don’t think a fireworks free-for-all anywhere and everywhere in Havre is the best thing for our town, and I can actua...


Reader Comments(1)

Jack and Janet Trethewey writes:

Dear George, I was on the city council when the fireworks ordinance was repealed. Basically, the city attorney said that because we couldn't consistently and absolutely enforce the ban and not everyone was being caught or ticketed, the city would be liable for just what you're referring to - fires and other damage. I was of your opinion about fireworks, but we weren't presented with an alternative. Maybe it's time for the council to revisit the issue.