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Legislature is underway

Happy New Year from Helena; the 68th Legislative Session has begun. Judy and I moved down last Friday to the same house we have been in for the last three sessions. It takes a bit to get settled in but moving to a neighborhood we are familiar with helps. Everything was ready for us, as the landlords had already left for sunny Arizona. They left us a turnkey, ready to go, place to live.

That said, the first week in session was a time for organizing, getting settled, and introductions. We had a bit more turnover in the Senate than the past couple of sessions. Some of the lobbies have changed, but most who have been to my committees are the same and good to work with. All my committees have adopted the same rules as prior sessions, and there have also been very little change in the Senate rules. But, it does sound like the House has had some issues with rule changes. I have been busy enough that I haven’t had time to follow the issues in the other House.

Sen. Lang and I are officemates again and each serve on three separate committees. I am on Education/Cultural Resources, Tax, and Energy/Telecommunications. Senator Lang is on Agriculture/Livestock/Irrigation, Finance/Claims, and Natural Resources. This is a great deal as I get to hear what is going on in his committees as he visits with folks regarding bills he is sponsoring. I hope he is also picking up on my conversations. I do appreciate his input and feedback as I work on issues with which he has historical knowledge and past experience. You can find us in room 330 when not in committee or on the floor.

I am being asked what are going to be some big issues as we move forward with the 68th Session. Outside of the 2-plus billion-dollar state surplus dollars that 151 different folks have ideas for how to spend, there is the abortion reform push, voting integrity issue (that I feel is a non-issue in Montana), and the redistricting of the House, Senate, and Public Service Commission. I am a bit disappointed with the way District 14, my district, has been re-drawn, due to the fact that the Golden Triangle has been split-up. This is the House district in our area that currently encompasses Chouteau County, beginning in 2025 will encompass parts of Blaine, Phillips, and Valley counties, which include many of the small towns east of Havre and north of the Milk River.

As always, stay safe!


State Sen. Russ Tempel, R-Chester, can be emailed at Russ.Tempel@legmt,gov.


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