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Out Our Way: So what? - Hebrews 13:1-6

"I will never leave you or forsake you," says the Lord

Out our way, we live in the "Big Open." If you are used to crowds and noise, it can get pretty lonely. You ride to the top of the ridge and look out over hundreds of miles of prairie. No skyscrapers or city smog in sight - just miles and miles of open country. On the other hand, there is a sense of peace. I suppose it depends on what you are used to. But city and rural folk alike tend to find they appreciate neighbors. Especially if you know they have your back.

My son was working on the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation as a teacher and had an accident. He ended up in a ditch after a winter storm. He was on a back road when it happened and was alone. But soon a pickup came along and, without a thought, the driver got out, checked to see that my son was all right, hooked up chains to his truck and hauled my son out of the ditch. The man did not know my son, nor did my son know the man. So what? The man was Native and my son is white. Again, so what? This is what "love your neighbor" is all about.

We live in a time when the one Christ called "the Ruler of this world" (John 12:31) has seemingly made a strong bid to control our lives. This is Satan, the "Prince of Darkness," who dominates politics, business, and pop culture. But I assure you, this is nothing new. In every generation the devil finds willing recruits lured by money, power, fame, the need to feel superior to everyone else, etc. to do his bidding. He always finds them and exalts them in their own eyes and in the eyes of the easily manipulated. But what he does not want you to know and hides from the deluded, is that in every generation and, indeed, in every community; God raises up women and men of character and holiness who challenge that trend.

The "Ruler" controls pop culture which is dominated by the famous, the rich and the powerful. Just as in modern advertising, companies hire the famous and powerful to promote their products, so the "Ruler" uses the rich, famous and powerful to promote his agenda. In every generation history has shown the "Ruler" has achieved a good deal of success ... for a time. But while Satan may be the "ruler" of the secular world, he is not the Lord. For all his movie stars, politicians, and billionaires that are at his command, the Lord has local neighbors, strangers, and plain folk blocking his way. You may be one of them.

An unknown man rescued my son from a barrow ditch in rural Montana. It didn't matter if he was native or that my son was not - it only mattered that a human being saw another human being who needed help and gave it. And Satan screamed in frustration! 

Be blessed and be a blessing!

Brother John


The Rev. John Bruington is the retired pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Havre. He now lives in Colorado, but continues to write "Out Our Way." He can be reached for comment or dialogue at [email protected].


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