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Take bull by the horns, pass COOL

Consumers have the right to know the origin of the beef on their tables, and ranchers have the right to a fair and competitive market. This is a reasonable expectation. However, after 2015, beef and pork were exempted from country of origin labeling laws. As a result, consumers do not know where their beef comes from, and ranchers do not have fair prices.

That’s why we are bringing forward country of origin placarding legislation (HB 350), which will set the story straight.

Today, the “USDA Graded” and “Product of the USA” labels on the last package of beef you purchased are meaningless. Beef or pork imported from any other country can legally have a label stating “Product of the USA” simply if it is re-packaged for retail within our borders. Many consumers may be fine buying imported beef, and that should be their right. However, what is not right is buying Brazilian beef while being led to believe it was born, raised, and processed in the USA. 

This is why the Montana Farmers Union, Montana Cattlemen’s Association, other Montana COOL advocates and l are asking that the Montana Legislature pass a Montana Country of Origin Labeling law as set out in HB 350. It is true, that to be fully effective, COOL needs re-instatement on the national level, but you have to start somewhere. If Montana, whose largest industry is cattle, cannot stand up for consumers and ranchers, who will?

Why did Congress exempt beef and pork from the labeling law in the first place? The proximate reason was that the World Trade Organization directed the United States government to. The actual reason is that large packing corporations profit from the lack of COOL. 

BS, a “big four” packer facing scrutiny for the breakdown of the food supply chain during the COVID-19 Pandemic, imports beef from Brazil, packages it in the U.S. and sells it with a “Product of the USA” label. This is one example of large companies taking advantage of your trust and making money at the expense of hard-working Montana ranchers by slapping a “Product of the USA” label on lesser quality imported meats.

You might think that it would be a no-brainer for the Montana Legislature to pass a COOL bill and protect consumers and ranchers alike, but it is not. The 2019 and 2021 Legislatures failed to act. Their lack of action means consumers continue to be misled. Clearly, COOL is not in the interests of multinational corporations who prop up this rigged system that cheats family ranchers and everyday consumers with “legally fraudulent” labels.

If HB 350 isn’t slaughtered by the big meat packing interests, it will ask retailers to make a reasonable effort to display a sign at the meat case with transparent country-of-origin information for beef and pork. A truthful label is fair to ranchers and consumers.

It’s time for the Montana Legislature to take the bull by the horns. Consumers have the right to know where their meat comes from, and ranchers have the right to a free and fair market. It is just that simple. Contact your legislators today, and tell them to support HB 350 and country of origin labeling.


Rep. Frank Smith, D-Poplar, is a member of the House Agricultural Committee


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