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Celebrating History: News on the hospitals

By Emily Mayer

Editor’s note: Havre Weekly Chronicle did not receive last week’s Celebrating History in time to publish it in the May 16 edition. The full column follows.

There was a lot of news regarding the two big local hospitals in Havre 100 years ago. First, this bit of good news was published on the front page of The Havre Daily Promoter’s May 11, 1924, edition:


“Tomorrow will be observed throughout the country as National Hospital day and in keeping with the day the friends of Sacred Heart hospital will conduct a tag day, hold open house with a program and enjoy the benefits from a dance in the evening.

“The Sacred Heart hospital is one of the substantial institutions of the city and stands high among the hospitals in the country. It is a very good hospital, well equipped for any emergency and exceedingly well conducted by the Sisters of St. Francis.

“The hospital now has 53 beds, 30 private rooms, seven wards, a fine operating room and is equipping a new laboratory, which will be one of the best in Montana. It has regularly organized corp of eight physicians. Sister Wilhemina is Mother Superior; Sister Jermaine, superintendent of nurses, and Miss Hazel Holcomb, R. N., surgical supervisor and instructor, of nurses. There are eleven young women in training to become nurses and a competent roster of registered nurses available for service.

“People come from all over northern Montana and southern Alberta and Saskatchewan for treatment, the hospital making a center of Havre.”

In the May 13, 1924, edition, the Promoter reported on the National Hospital Day activities at Sacred Heart:


“National Hospital day in Havre, at Sacred Heart hospital, was one replete with good will-a day when hundreds found that social intercourse and charity unfeigned are related in the first degree. The very evident cooperative spirit of the zealous committees is largely responsible for the unparalleled success of this annual event.

“The pleasant afternoon was interspersed by the rendition of the musical treat which had been prepared by the charity workers. Every number found appreciative listeners, sensitive to the sound of high grade music. Punch and wafers were served by the ladies throughout the afternoon. The decorations had been put up to enhance the festive character of this gala day.

“Hospital day in Havre was by no means confined to any one section of the city, as evidenced by the general distribution of tags. The benefit dance will leave pleasant memories in the minds of those who attended; not only on account of its social success, but because to paraphrase a line: Man’s humanity to man makes countless thousand glad.

“The Sisters of Saint Francis, in charge of the hospital, are deeply touched by this outpouring of Christian spirit. They wish, through the medium of The Promoter, to thank each one who lent through personal activity or financial assistance.”

This short but informative article was in the Promoter’s May 15 edition:

“Hospital Day Dance and Tags Net $502.10”

“A total of $502.10 was realized by the committee in charge of the hospital tag day sale and dance, according to final returns compiled by Mrs. Phil Jestrab.”

Sacred Heart was not the only hospital in the news this week 100 years ago. Kennedy Deaconess made the news in the Promoter’s May 13, 1924, edition.


“The sample sale in the interest of Kennedy Deaconess hospital begins today at the Havre Commercial company.

“It will continue from 1 o’clock to 5 o’clock daily, during this week.

“The materials for the sale have been furnished by many of the large wholesale houses, and include a wide range of usual things-toilet supplies of all kinds, such as soaps, face creams, shampoos, tooth powders and creams, brushes, etc., extracts, cocoas, coffees, postum, cake flour, yeast, marshmallows, candies, Beechnut, confections, standard baking powders, table salt, Del Monte canned goods, salad dressing, spaghetti, macaroni, cheese, laundry supplies, aluminum ware, etc. All the supplies on sale will be standard brands and from the best houses.

“The sale will be conducted under the authority of the hospital board and will be managed by a committee of ladies selected form the different church and fraternal organizations, Mrs. E. J. Miller being the chairman and director.”

A progress report was printed in the May 15, 1924, newspaper:

“Sample Sale Going Good for Hospital

“The sample goods sale being held at the Havre Commercial for the benefit of the Kennedy Deaconess hospital has been very successful.

“the sale opened Tuesday and will continue the rest of the week. In addition of having a fine line of sample goods donated by the various wholesalers for sale, the committee in charge serves light luncheons from 1 until 5 o’clock.”


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