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Feeling blessed by community support


Once again, the Havre community has done it! The Morris and Anderson families would sincerely like to thank the Havre community for the support we received through the spaghetti benefit dinner held Oct. 29 at St. Jude Parish Center. We are overwhelmingly blessed by your care and compassion shown to us.

Thanks to a wonderful team of leaders, headed up by Kathy Woeppel, the outcome was a huge success. We are grateful for every person and business who donated food and auction items and each person who donated hours of help setting up, cooking, baking, organizing, sharing musical talents, helping with the silent and live auctions, cleaning up and more. You are all simply amazing!

Thank you to all the Thrivent Financial for Lutherans members for contributing your time and support for us at the benefit. Your organization's financial help and care through you, the local members, is greatly appreciated.

We are also appreciative of the Havre Daily News and specifically to John Kelleher for writing the article promoting the benefit dinner, and to Nikki Carlson for her care put into her photography.

We are thankful for our church family at Havre Assembly of God and also our community family here in Havre. All of your efforts joined together have been greatly successful!

Let us always remember the Havre community and the one who originally initiated the "heart of community" in each of our hearts. God bless each and every one of you for your part in blessing us. It is our hope that we will continue to join together to bless many others in our community as we are able.

Andy and Angela Morris

Les and Bernie Anderson



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